Post en expañol aqui :) So a few months ago, I discovered an extremely cool new stationary brand: CHROMA... Just like many people across the world, I LOVE stationary, it makes me happy and I go mad whenever I found something really unique like this... So I reached out to Gabrielle Cox (even her name is great), the creative mind behind this perfect cobination of colors and stationary, and she kindly gave me more insight into her creative process and the origin of the brand.
"It was whilst studying for my degree in BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion and Imaging that I first came up with the idea for Chroma. I had done a lot of research in to colour and colour psychology and was struggling with how to channel all of my research creatively. It was during an evening tutorial that the idea of stationery products was mentioned. Since then the products have evolved and the quality has improved dramatically, however the principle of the company has remained largely the same. Conceptualised from the belief that everyday stationery can be personal to its owner, the ranges come in 20 shades. Every colour in the range is named after an important person or figure in my life that the colour reminds me of. Each of my Chroma ranges is named after a place where I have lived or is important to me. Colour triggers emotions - it can remind you of people, places and moments in life. The colours that people surround themselves with are very personal and reflect personality, mood and individuality. I also offer an additional service of gold/ silver foil embossing, allowing the customer to personalise their notebook, whether that be with their name, set of initial, a logo or a personal message. I then gift wrap your notebook, again at no extra cost, because we think everyone deserves a lovely package to open. The idea of providing a lovely, personalised product to a customer is hugely important to me and is something I really value. My notebooks are a simple concept and functional but very well designed and beautiful. This is something I think is key to design. To push Chroma further and take it to the next stage, I recently launched a Kickstarter project, trying to raise £4,000. The process of raising funds to start up a business is much more stressful than I ever thought it would be and is one of the main challenges I have faced as an entrepreneur. I think the most important thing to remember when starting up a business and when launching a Kickstarter campaign is to take every day as it comes. You can plan ahead and do many things to make your life easier but you have to take the process day by day. It is often terrifying to look at the huge big mountain of things to do, ahead of you and it is easy to feel overwhelmed. I have learnt to take baby steps and to note the small achievements as I make them. It is easy to feel that the business and Kickstarter is moving at a snails pace, especially when I have so many exciting ideas and plans. However, when I actually sit down and look back on all the things I have managed to do and how far I have come, things do not seem so bad. Launching Chroma and continuing with growing the brand after graduating was a huge leap of faith and comes with its stresses and challenges but I am enjoying every minute of it and couldn’t imagine doing anything else." Lee el post en español aquí! :)This wonderful woman and designer has her autobiography on the selves NOW!
Post en español aquí! :)Amazing news, a film about one of my favourite spanish designers it´s in development!
Leer en español aquí!It's finally finished... the #MUSTSEE documentary about this fashin genious! Lee este post en español :)1º Edition Madrid Film Festival A lot of expectation and exciment... Looking forward for this first edition of the Festival...
Leer en español :)This week I was lucky enough to attened this great exposition on Yves Saint Laurent... Just amazing!!!
Food for thought...“Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality.” |